Recap of the Season…

Good morning!!! Just sitting back reflecting on all that God did this past deer season. Our weekends were full of blessings, and every group was absolutely wonderful. We ended up with 20 bucks down but more importantly 23 confessions of faith.

I’ve been thinking of what that means this morning. As a matter of fact, I woke up this morning with the scripture on my mind that we have to commit our ways to the Lord. At the ministry we always try to take the time and speak to each person individually when they decide to make a confession of faith. Our mentors take the time to explain what it means to actually be saved. It’s more than just raising your hand, going to an altar, or even getting baptized. When we ask Christ into our heart, we are actually committing our lives to Him. We are saying that it is not our will and ways that we want anymore, because those have gotten us to the point where we realize that we need Christ to come in and lead our lives. We are giving Christ the reigns in our life to lead and guide us in His ways.

So today, I invite you to search your heart. Have you committed your ways to Him? Have you fully surrendered your life to His ways. Have you abandoned the life you once led, and turned to follow Him first.

He’s a good Father and He loves you so much. He lived and He died for You. Have you died out to sin to live for Him?

Just my thoughts this morning. If you need prayer or if you would like us to speak and share our ministry please feel free to reach out and let us know.

God Bless,

Briar Ridge Children’s Ministries, Inc.

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