Finding Rest…

So the last weekend of January, ended our 2022-2023 Deer Season. And we ended it with a good group of kids, and a decent weekend of taking animals. That’s right we ended up with a hog and a deer. And I’m pretty sure everyone got to see deer on that final weekend, even though there weren’t that many taken.

It was a great year, but completely different from previous years. I guess that is part of growing. We go through new things and we look back to the past to judge and see how everything is going. The same can be said for our spiritual lives. There are times we find ourselves looking back over what has been. During those times we may be filled with regret on past mistakes, questions on why things happened, or we may even wipe our brow and thank God that we didn’t go down some of the paths that were opened to us.

The last group we had this year really brought that home to me. We have been blessed to see many of these kids grow up, as a matter of fact we call them Briar Ridge kids. They are the ones that have been here since the beginning, or the ones that came once and didn’t let an opportunity pass by to come again and spend time with us.

These kids, although we don’t have a constant walk with them are part of our lives and hearts. And one way I know I fail, is I forget to lift them in prayer as much as I should. You see we get so wrapped up in our own lives that we put others to the back of our minds and sometimes even forget to lift them in prayer. I’m pretty sure that is why we lay in bed at two o’clock at night sometime struggling to sleep. This may be God’s way of getting us to go back through our prayer list, or search and see what He wants us to reach heaven for.

Even last night I found myself struggling to fall asleep, and I sought God for direction and guidance.

So my question to you today, have you found yourself struggling to find rest? Struggling to sleep peacefully? If so, take the time and seek His face. See if He is keeping you awake for a reason. He may want you to spend more time with Him and work on your relationship, or He may want you to lift up others in prayer.

He loves you, and He offers us rest and peace in Him. If you are searching for rest and peace, shelter from your storm, comfort from your pain, the Bible in Matthew 6:33 says, But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Seek Him and you will find everything you will ever need.

January 27th-29th, 2023

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