Our Reason

We started this ministry with a hope. Our hope was to reach children that needed someone in their life. Since we have begun this ministry with our opening in September we have been able to minister to over one hundred thirty children. That’s not including adults that were brought in as mentors, and left as friends. It’s safe to say that over 200 men, women, and children have been a part of Briar Ridge in the last six months and we are hoping to do so much more.

We have been blessed to see lives changed. Children that came in guarded and uncertain, left camp with a renewal of their spirits. Adults, that were caught up in the day to day monotony of life, found refreshment for their souls. And there was without a doubt at least one life that was truly changed.

About the middle of the season we brought a child to camp who reminded us of our purpose. He got to come a couple of weeks actually, and there was so much he wanted to know. He asked his mentor question after question about God and his love for us. And his mentor explained s alvation and Christianity to him. He came the second time and rode up with me, he was completely different, he had an excitement to him and I was hoping it would be a life changing weekend with us. That weekend we were packed out, it seemed like barely controlled chaos. There were a few deer killed and I’m pretty sure no one got to sit down all of Saturday. And that was the day for him! His mentor came in after the evening hunt and asked for some of us to talk to the child and help him fully understand the decision he was making, and then to lead him in a prayer of salvation. The boy became a member of the family of God that weekend, and he has found a home church and has been baptized since hunting season. We couldn’t be happier with the way things are going for him and ask that you keep him in your prayers.

And that is our reason, not just as Briar Ridge, but as children of God. It’s the great commission set up by Christ himself. In Matthew 28:19-20 Jesus says “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Are we fulfilling our purpose, or have we decided that its someone else’s job? Christ uses us to reach others and I hope that we all are reaching out and being used by him. If not, I pray that you start today. Christ is the only hope for this world, and we are His voice.

Because a mentor was more worried about a child’s soul than a hunt, there was a life changed. Thank God, we have those that aren’t caught up in the things of this world to overlook what needs to be done. And thank God that he sent his Son for ALL.


Love in Christ,


Briar Ridge


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