You are not fighting alone!

The second week in January we had a bunk house full. Our group was mostly from around Hattiesburg These kids were a great bunch to have, and as you can see they took a couple of deer off the lease.

We had a couple of people give a devotion. Bro. John came and spoke to them a couple of times, and Bro. Carey Buckles got to do our Sunday message. It was a cold weekend, and with a group this big it was super busy at camp.

Bro. Carey brought a message on Sunday about calls. He got out his predator call and surprised everyone with it. You see when a fawn cries out in distress, coyotes and bobcats come running. Satan is just like that, the Bible says that he goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He’s looking for those that are week and weary, to destroy them. But the thing is, when a fawn cries out in distress, a predator may be coming, but so is the momma doe. She will come in to protect her young. She will fight the battle for her child.

I am here to tell you today, that you don’t have to fight the battle alone. You may feel like you are done, you can’t take any more. But in Ephesians 6 it tells us that After we have done everything, to stand. You see, there are going to be things that come against us, that we can’t get through on our own. But when those things come, He will give us strength and courage to keep going. He will give us a way of escape when we are tempted, but during the battle we need to stand strong and watch what God can do. Today, if you feel like running from the battle… if you feel like giving up or giving in. Take heart, Hebrews 13:5 says He will never leave you or forsake you. Just hold on and cry out to God. He hears your cry and He will rescue you.

Love in Christ,

Briar Ridge

If you, your church, or organization would like to know more about our ministry and what Christ is doing, we are available for speaking engagements. Feel free to contact us.

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