A plan and a purpose

The last weekend of January is always one of our favorites. We have a group from Tennessee that always plans that weekend, and it’s always good to see the kids return. There were a couple of new faces in the group just as there are every year, and we had an amazing time.

Bro. John and Michael brought the messages and we got to take a couple of deer home with us to end the season. We had several that took their first deer, and that made for some happy kids.

The most excitement of the weekend came with a fire on Saturday afternoon, and that’s what I want to talk about. About half of the camp had been on the side by side either Friday afternoon or Saturday before the evening hunt. When we left for the hunt one of the men got in to drive and another mentor and a couple of the kids climbed in and buckled up to head to the stands. The driver smelled smoke and got everyone out, within 5 minutes all that was left were the flames and the frame.

God is good to us. You see a lot of people would see the loss of the side by side as terrible. But the owner shared what a blessing it truly was. You see his girls usually drive the buggy around the farm. If they would have been on the buggy at the house they may not have gotten out alive. The fuel leak that caused the fire could have been so much worse. But God was in control, and He had his hand of protection over each of those people that weekend.

You see, he has a purpose and a plan. Romans 8: 28 says “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” He works everything out for his purpose, and for our good. There are times, it may not feel like anything is working out, much less working for our good. But if we just put our trust in Him and keep doing the will of the Father we will be able to understand it all in the end.

Take a moment today and think of the times that God has spared you. The moments that you realized that He blessed you with more time to do His will. And Thank Him for those times. We never know when He is going to call us home, I’m just so thankful He was over the fire situation and He gave everyone peace about it.

And that’s how we ended the season, very thankful for his provisions.

If you would like us to speak at an event or learn more about our ministry please feel free to contact us.

Love in Christ,

Briar Ridge.

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